Overnight Nursing
and Twilight Service

Working closely with the District Nursing Team at Wye Valley NHS Trust, Taurus Healthcare has been operating a successful Overnight Nursing Service since December 2019.

The service offers nursing care throughout the night to patients cared for by the District Nursing team during the day.

The team comprises three Overnight Nurses, supported by Taurus Healthcare's Clinical Services Manager who is a registered District Nurse. Available seven nights per week, 52 weeks of the year the service now consistently delivers high quality, holistic care to patients.


Taurus Services

Information for Practices

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The service has been very well received by patients and professionals alike. Here’s a few of the positive comments we’ve had so far:

“We have excellent handovers from the Overnight Service Nurses. The nurses are not just going in to ‘do the job’ – they are providing holistic care, doing care plans and following up on care.”

District Nurse, Ross

“Many thanks for your care to the patient, the family commented on your kindness and, as this has been such a complex case and has been so difficult to manage, the family appreciated your manner, so thank you.”

"You did amazing work with this lady, the family really valued your help.”

Dr Cath Blinman - Consultant in Palliative Care

“The service has really taken off! The service itself proves that there is a need for the nurses at night and the nurses and doctors worked together to create solutions to issues that they have both faced. The nurses are already a valuable part of the Out of Hours team.”

Team Leader

“… a huge thank you for staying with my patient this morning beyond your time, as he was deteriorating. You went above and beyond and I’m sure it was much appreciated by both him and his wife.”

“Good teamwork, good communication – makes it an enjoyable experience and boosts morale.”

Out of Hours GP

“With Taurus successfully delivering the ONS, this has improved recruitment and retention for Wye Valley Trust nurse teams as it has removed the need for District Nurses to be on call overnight.”

WVT Associate Director