For Clinical Infomation, Policies, Pocedures and Latest News
We encourage a culture of mutual trust, respect and support between colleagues and are grateful for the professionalism and dedication shown by all of our employees. We are proud of the way in which employees work together and with external partners to deliver the highest quality of care to our patients that provides a continuum across 24 hours alongside general practice colleagues.
links to important tools that will help you with your day-to-day activities
For Clinical Infomation, Policies, Pocedures and Latest News
To Report an Incident for a Taurus Service. Please note that this link only works when in a Practice or Hub
HR Platform for all Taurus employees
Click on button to log in
Use the Rota to manage you shifts in Taurus Services
Working from Home? Download this link and use your Taurus credentials to work remotely
Herefordshire and Worcestershire Training Hub and Learning Management System
Regular clinical educational sessions are recorded and cover different topics every time (password required)
The Training Hub hosts a number of educational opportunities, which can also ensure you collect the points to qualify for your appraisal
(Click item to open in Google Calendars)