Talk Wellbeing - Official Maylords Launch

On 15 February, our Talk Wellbeing Centre in Maylord Orchards, Hereford held its official opening.
Guests included Cllr Carole Gandy, Cabinet Member for Adults, Health and Wellbeing, and Matt Pearce, Director of Public Health at Herefordshire Council.
Also present were senior representatives from the One Herefordshire Partnership, including Jane Ives, Managing Director and Jon Barnes, Chief Operating Officer at Wye Valley Trust, along with David Mehaffey, Executive Director for Strategy and Integration for NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire ICS.
Christine Price, Chief Officer at Healthwatch Herefordshire attended as did Mike Hearne and Nisha Sankey from Herefordshire General Practice’s Executive team.
Guests were welcomed by Gillian Pearson, Associate PCN Director of Prevention, Partnerships and Transformation. Gillian made a short presentation on the aims of the new Maylords centre and invited everyone to tour the premises and ask any questions of the Talk Wellbeing team who were present. This included two of our HCAs, Ann Evans and Jude Reid who were working at the site, offering Health Checks to booked in patients.
Gillian explained that the centre was being offered in partnership with many local community and voluntary sector organisations. Representatives from some of those organisations were present at the official opening, including from Age UK, Herefordshire Mind and Turning Point.
The atmosphere in the room was extremely positive with all guests welcoming and supporting the aims of the new centre and indicating their keenness to get involved.
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